We are in a time of preparation for living in the more of God.
“Blessed [with spiritual security] is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the LORD
And whose hope and confident expectation is the LORD.
“For he will be [nourished] like a tree planted by the waters,
That spreads out its roots by the river;
And will not fear the heat when it comes;
But its leaves will be green and moist.
And it will not be anxious and concerned in a year of drought
Nor stop bearing fruit. 
     Jeremiah 17.7-8 (Amplified)
Cherie had a storm warning dream in a war camp with a river running along the side of it where:
  • A previous storm of rain had cleaned and shown the river bank stones – showing what upholds and supports a move of God
  • Another heavy rain storm was coming, that will expose what people are building with and raise the water level of what God wants to do. Ezk 47
  • There will be the challenge of living without offence to minister into the next move of God
  • There is a call to live from a primary focus of a life in God. Consider Ps 1, Ezekiel 47:12 
How can you live daily more focused on receiving life from God, and letting His living water saturate you?  To unpack more of the dream, check out the video below.