

The River is Rising


Check out this storm warning dream in a war camp with a river running alongside and what it means when:
  • A previous storm of rain had cleaned and shown the river bank stones
  • Another heavy rain storm was coming, that will expose what people are building with and raise the water level of what God wants to do 



We are in a time of fresh awakening to Gods purposes, to His light, to glory and to His kingdom.

Cherie had four dreams about awakening

  • the call of God on your life
  • upper room prayer
  • the end of a season and the beginning of another
  • to arise to facilitate God’s purpose in their country

 We bless you for increase in faith and trust in God,  in awakening, refreshing, calling and prayer.

Storm Dreams


If you’ve been having Storm Dreams, you’re not alone. 

In this series we cover some storm dreams – providing interpretation of key elements, application, and blessings for peace within the storm

We bless you with the peace of the Father as you watch these short videos



The Number One

Through the Bible, God shows us who He is, His nature and His ways. He does this within the many stories, parables, imagery, types, symbols and even numbers that are used throughout Scripture. By studying the Bible you grow a foundation for how God speaks - and find...

The Number Four

The Number 4 - What in the world? If you're dreaming or hearing things in fours, it's likely related to what's happening in the world Number Four is about God’s Created World, references all that He created - and His purpose and plan for His creation.  It speaks...

The Number Three

The Number 3 If you're seeing sequences of 3’s - maybe God is inviting into prayerfully searching out scripture references that are made up of 3’s.  Maybe God is inviting into prayerfully searching out scripture references that are made up of...
Do You Dream About These Things?

Do You Dream About These Things?

There are some elements of dreams that a lot of people have - below are five that are quite common, and a brief sense of what they can mean.  The interpretation of any dream belongs to God, and will be specifically tailored for you (isn't that cool?!) - the thoughts...

A Spiritual Springtime for New Zealand

A Spiritual Springtime for New Zealand

Spring is one of my favorite times of the year. The cold weather begins to retreat, the rains come, the flowers begin to bloom, the birds return and sing their songs of worship encouraging growth. Can I tell you?: "Spiritually, spring is in the air"! We are in a...

What does growth look like to you?

What does growth look like to you?

If you're reading this you're drawing breath - if you're drawing breath you're still alive - if you're still alive you can still be growing. A great question to ask ourselves is "What are we doing this year to grow in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and...

Living in Blessing

Living in Blessing

As we honour those who have gone before us, we open ourselves up to their blessing on our lives. As we honour the Father's and Mother's of the faith, we position ourselves to receive their inheritance and blessing. As we choose to grow as sons and daughters living out...

Starting to Grow

Starting to Grow

Do you want to explore the journey of dreams, visions and hearing God’s voice with others?  Grow your prophetic gift, grow community, and grow in a Biblical understanding of dreams and visions? On 26 November 2015, 7:30pm-9pm we're hosting an intro to the courses...

The Seasons Will Always Change

The Seasons Will Always Change

Winter is giving way to spring - the days get longer, the weather warmer, and the sunshine is most welcome!  While this is happening around us in the southern hemisphere, it's worth pausing and asking - "What season am I in and what is coming next?" Seasons shift When...

Welcome to Streams Pacific Training Centre!

Welcome to Streams Pacific Training Centre!

Have you ever had something that was years in the making finally start to happen?  The dream that you've held in your heart for years starts to become a reality - and with it comes a mix of excitement and trepidation?  And you look back at the journey to get there and...