The Number One

The Number One

Through the Bible, God shows us who He is, His nature and His ways. He does this within the many stories, parables, imagery, types, symbols and even numbers that are used throughout Scripture. By studying the Bible you grow a foundation for how God speaks – and...
The Number Four

The Number Four

The Number 4 – What in the world? If you’re dreaming or hearing things in fours, it’s likely related to what’s happening in the world Number Four is about God’s Created World, references all that He created – and His purpose and plan...
The Number Three

The Number Three

The Number 3 If you’re seeing sequences of 3’s – maybe God is inviting into prayerfully searching out scripture references that are made up of 3’s.  Maybe God is inviting into prayerfully searching out scripture references that are made up...
The Number Five

The Number Five

If you’re seeing or hearing the number five in revelation, images, dreams or the whispers of God, be encouraged – God may be speaking to you of divine grace, and favour and strength to live fully alive! Five can refer to God giving us...
The Number Two

The Number Two

God’s showing us who He is, His nature and His ways through imagery in the Bible.  If you’re dreaming or seeing images with two items, two people, the number two, a doubling – here’s some of what He might be saying  The Number TwoDreaming...